The English correction service for applications and curriculum vitae
CVcorrect Blog Blog Career
Managing the English Interview as a Non-Native Speaker
Interviews are a stressful experience, which make even the most certain and confident weak in the knees. Add into the equation you have to do the interview in English, as a non-native speaker, and it makes the already nerve-wracking interview […]
10 simple but effective tips for your LinkedIn profile
We’ve already covered how important networking face-to-face is. But now it’s time to take your networking to the next level – by having an online presence. LinkedIn, the world’s biggest professional networking site, could open doors and present opportunities that […]
The right CV for an application in the UK
How to Get a Job in Britain with the Right CV Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of applying for a job in Britain. Knowing what to leave in and leave out of your Curriculum […]
Tagged Application, Career, Curriculum Vitae, CV, Job, UK